Welcome 🙂
This page was created to help your school with competitions & raising funds. Anything you buy on this website will generate fundraising for your school.

Let's Cook!
View book preview and buy copies here. Recipe books make great gifts!

Cookbook - Recipe Submissions / Sample Form
This is just a sample form. Your form will be password protected.

Story Book Project
Have a peek at our fab story book! to order yours please ...

Sample Competition Gallery
This is just a sample gallery. Your gallery will be password protected.
Competition Galleries to support school PTAs are free on Saronti.
We do this to help out and get our name out too.
The way it works is very simple.
1. We create a page for your school PTA on our website like this one.
2. The gallery is secure so only families who have the password can access it.
3. Once in the gallery, families can upload photos, add a name and choose a category for their photo.
4. They can then view the gallery and click "like" for their favourite photos.
We can also create & print your Cookbooks, End of Year books, Reception books, Compilation of stories/poems books, Photobooks...
All schools choosing to fundraise with Saronti are automatically setup as affiliates. This means that, for any items families buy on our site, the school's PTA will receive 15% fundraising from each sale.
For more info or to get started:
E. schools@saronti.com
T. 07983 394 955
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