For more info or to get started:
E. help@saronti.com
T. 07983 394 955
They say everyone has a book in them. Do you? Have you got a burning thriller, a true life story, or even a book of recipes passed down from relatives? Want to make your own book, but don’t know where to start?
Whether you just want to write a book for yourself and family, sell as a fundraiser or publish and sell online / bookshops, in kindle or paperback- we can help.
Get in touch with your idea. We can help you make your own book, from start to finish 🙂
For more info or to get started:
E. help@saronti.com
T. 07983 394 955

My sons face was that of amazement on Christmas Day when he saw his book! He can not wait for us to return to school so that he can give a copy to his headteacher!
I highly recommend this company!read more

Amazing and funny
Thank u x

For more info or to get started:
E. schools@saronti.com
T. 07983 394 955
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Saronti is a small Company with Big values, UK based & run by Mums. Passionate about publishing, personalising and creating custom books. We are committed to helping schools fundraise, supporting the elderly and enriching family time. We use local suppliers who respect the environment.