Lego Treasure Hunt for Boys & Girls

lego treasure hunt in spoon jug

We love treasure hunts and here’s a great Lego one from FrugalFun4Boys.  Take your LEGO® figurines and scatter them around the house. Each clue directs kids to a household location where the next LEGO®  figurine is hidden – such as in the lamp, on a bookshelf, inside a cup, in the fridge, etc. The clues are all fun rhymes, and some of the clues are more challenging than others. Choose the ones you like based on the ages of your kids and the length you’d like the scavenger hunt to be. You can also think up some of your own.

This Lego treasure hunt for boys & girls is a great, fun activity for a rainy day.

lego figurine in cup

Hide the Figurines and watch the fun…

lego figurine on bookshelf


Here’s a few others:

Find me inside one of two, worn on feet,an inside shoe – A Slipper

You use me morning and again at night, helping keeping teeth look shiny bright- a toothbrush

Look underneath where you lay your head, snuggled up inside your bed- a pillow

I have teeth but can not bite, if you don’t use me, you look a sight!!- comb

I stop the food getting mouldy and old, I shine a light and am always cold- The fridge

In here you might have tons of bubbles, adults relax away their troubles- the bath






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