Make your own Story book Kit for Young Authors | From £20.99 + FREE SHIPPING

Do you know a child who loves to write stories? Whether their writing is in full flow, they’re just starting out, or need motivating; this Storybook Kit is perfect for them. Encourage creative writing and turn a child’s imagination into a real book!
This Story book Kit for Young Authors includes:
1. A5 Gift Voucher (with a space to write the recipient’s name)
2. BookTemplate (Word Doc or google Doc) to write story, add illustrations/photos.
3. Writing guide with top tips, a storyline plan and story starters in case you get stuck.
4. Choose from paperback (24 pages) with thick gloss laminated cover or hardback (36 pages).
Option to upgrade to more pages when you send your story
5. Story printed into a full book, delivered to the young author’s door.
P&P costs included in the kit
6. Share your book to our Young Authors’ Gallery if you wish.
7. Opportunity to self-publish and sell your book our bookshop

Leo was sooo pleased with his book! He took it into school yesterday and the teacher made a huge fuss of him, she read it out to the whole class and he is super proud!

You should have seen Alice’s face when she opened the voucher. She was like: “What?? My story made into a real book? Really mummy is that true?” She nearly cried! What a great idea.

Lucy was well excited to see a boxed envelope with her name on it today when she opened it she shouted in excitement “my story is a real book!”. Lucy’s school have asked for the children to bring in something special, so she chose her Penguins holiday story book. She said it’s special to her because “I wrote this story and the lovely people made it into a real book”
Check out our Young Authors' Gallery to view books children have created or self-published with Saronti.

My sons face was that of amazement on Christmas Day when he saw his book! He can not wait for us to return to school so that he can give a copy to his headteacher!
I highly recommend this company!read more

Amazing and funny
Thank u x

If you're just looking to get your child's story printed without a storybook kit voucher, click here.