Books V Ebooks

Books V Ebooks

The books v ebooks debate has been a constant over the past few years, and there’s certainly no indication to say it’s dying down anytime soon. With the latest figures from the reading charity BookTrust indicating that not only is there an ever growing reliance on digital storytelling at bedtime (26% of UK parents have tried to use Tech), out of 1,000 parents with children aged 10 or under almost half (49%) said they aim to share a story with their youngsters every night, only 28% manage to do so. Of those that do manage to read, 83% of them use printed books.

What’s So Good About Paper Books?

Reading books is a continuous activity that parents will do with their child for many years. From day dot, people read to their babies, as a way of bonding and as a way of introducing a bedtime routine. With an introduction to sights, sounds, touch and emotions, lift the flap & touch and feel books are one genre that can’t possibly be replicated on a screen.


Toddlers looking at books

I don’t know about you, but no matter how tired I was at the end of the day, that short interval at nightime was always magical. Yes, they wanted the same book EVERY night ( buy duplicates whilst you can Peeps), and yes they kept turning to their favourite page over & over again, but, the interaction, surprise and joy on their faces made bedtime story time, the best time.

Why Choose Ebooks?

With the ever increasing demands of the world today, unfortunately some parents are just too tired or busy at the end of the day, and because of this, I believe that there is a place for a tech bedtime reader. Just not maybe every night.

It’s a sad inevitability that many children as they get older, lose their interest in reading.  A study over a 4 month period by The National Literacy Trust, showed that when children were given an e-reader, the average boy’s reading level increased by over eight months, and girl’s by over seven months. Alongside the improvement in reading level, the percentage of boys that felt reading was difficult shrank from 28.0% to 15.9%.

Not only did the e-books encourage improvement in reading, they also increased children’s enjoyment of reading from 10% before the study, to 40% afterwards, with many boys (in particular) saying that reading an Ebook seemed cool.

Who Wins the Books v Ebooks Debate?

Although there’s nothing like the smell of new books, with that waft of wonder every time you turn a new page, the excess baggage cost on the holiday budget isn’t so welcoming. An Ebook reader comes with the convenience of a library at your fingertips and the ease of carriage.

For parents though, there are other considerations:

  • Does an e-reader counts as ‘screentime’ ?
  • If there are NO bluelight features on an e-reader screen would you consider it safe for bedtime?
  • Do you consider the games on it as educational?
  • Is it important for your child to be familiar with the tech options of today?

Ultimately, the choice is down to the individual and whether you read by yourself (or to your child) by Book or Ebook, it’s still reading- and that’s a good thing.


I don’t believe in the kind of magic in my books. But I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book.

J.K. Rowling


There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.

Walt Disney

Considering all the angles I have come to the conclusion that a blend of both is best. I have shelves full of my favourites plus a device full of traveling reads. I will read books with the babies and supplement the older children with an ebook when needed. I shall lie by the Summer pool with an e-reader and curl up by the Winter fire with a paperback.

As we get older, reading is reading and I’m not convinced we actually need a Books V Ebooks debate after all. They both deserve their spot on the shelf of literacy.

To take a look at how Saronti combine an online read with a printed book- check out our Young Authors Gallery.


Young author holding the book he wrote

Here you will find a range of books, all written by amazing children, printed as a book for them and available to everyone as an online read .


Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay

Image by ParentiPacek from Pixabay

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