School Recipe Book / From £4.35

For more info or to get started:
T. 07983 394 955
We know you're busy so we've tried to make the process of PTA fundraising with a school recipe book, as easy as possible!
Every school has a budding celebrity chef in the making, so why not ask every child to share a family recipe, and make a recipe book fundraiser to be proud of.
Recipe book Ingredients:
- From 40 up to 120+ pages, Full colour High Quality Photo Print
- Free Recipe book template to get you started (MS Powerpoint, Google Slide or Adobe Indesign)
- Child friendly square format 20x20cm, Gloss easy-to-wipe pages (115gsm), Gloss laminated cover (Paperback, soft but thick cover! 240gsm)
- Recipes can be grouped in categories of your choice (i.e, breakfasts, starters, main, dessert, snacks, drinks)
- Free secure online form to help you collect recipes & photos from parents, if you wish.
- Creator Service: We can make the book for you. (£1 per page/recipe)
- No minimum orders. No Stock left over!
- Free P&P over 30 books ordered.
- We can setup a page for parents to buy the book on our secure website (at the price you choose). We deliver all books as a group order to your school; and donate your fundraising amount back to you. No additional costs to the school. We'll just charge parents an extra 50p to cover transaction fees.
View fundraising recipe book template
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Easy step-by-step guide for your fundraising recipe book project
Each school has it's own way of setting up their school fundraising recipe book. Here is what seems to be the most popular process, and some top tips to make it a success!
1. Ask for your free recipe book template here (MS Powerpoint, Google Slide or Adobe Indesign). We can make the book for you if you prefer (£1 per recipe).
2. Get parents keen! Some PTAs ask for a small fundraising amount for recipe entries (£1/£2). You could even make it into a competition! Why not ask local restaurants to pick a winner(s) and give a meal discount as a prize?
This helps ensure maximum fundraising and keep the book price low, so families can afford to buy more than one. School Fundraising recipe books make great gifts! Also make sure you show families our beautiful sample book PDF, as this should give them an incentive to participate and buy.
3. Come up with a book price you feel comfortable with (see pricing below).
Get some sponsors! This could cover part or all of the printing costs making profit for PTA 100% of the sale. Can you give parents who have their own business and local businesses the opportunity to advertise in your school fundraising recipe book? Check out the Facebook group "PTA ideas exchange" for ideas and ask others how they did it. It's a very helpful group! You can also contact us - we're here to help!
4. Decide how you want to collect recipes/photos. Should you wish to, we can setup a free secure online form where families can submit their recipes and upload their photos - all free! You can view a sample form here; it can be customised to suit your requirements.
5. You/We make the book.
6. Proof your fundraising recipe book before it goes to print. We can send you a link to your book online, so you can show it to parents. If it's beautiful, they'll buy it!
7. Take orders. No minimum order. No stock left over! Choose option from:
- Parents buy from school: Send a group order to us. Pay by bank transfer.
- Parents can buy on our secure website. Just tell us the price you want to sell the books for, and we'll setup a page like this one. We can deliver all books as a group order to your school; and donate your fundraising amount back to you. No additional costs to the school. We'll just charge parents an extra 50p to cover transaction fees (see pricing below).
8. Allow about 12 days for delivery.
- From 40 up to 120+ pages, Full colour High Quality Photo Print
- Child friendly square format 20x20cm, Gloss easy-to-wipe pages (115gsm), Gloss laminated cover (Paperback, soft but thick cover! 240gsm)
- Beautiful free recipe book template to get you started (MS Powerpoint, Google slide or Adobe InDesign) + a free online form to help you collect recipes.
- Option for parents to order online on our website if you want to.
Remember it only takes a few sponsors to cover part or all of the print costs! Ask us for advice on how to do this if you need help.
No minimum orders; but the more you sell, the cheaper the books!
Up to 40 pages | 100+ copies | £4.35 |
50+ copies | £4.65 | |
0-49 copies | £5.00 | |
Up to 52 pages | 100+ copies | £5.15 |
50+ copies | £5.45 | |
0-49 copies | £5.70 | |
Up to 60 pages | 100+ copies | £5.70 |
50+ copies | £6.00 | |
0-49 copies | £6.35 | |
Up to 72 pages | 100+ copies | £6.50 |
50+ copies | £6.80 | |
0-49 copies | £7.20 | |
Up to 80 pages | 100+ copies | £7.05 |
50+ copies | £7.35 | |
0-49 copies | £7.70 | |
Up to 100 pages | 100+ copies | £8.40 |
50+ copies | £8.70 | |
0-49 copies | £9.10 | |
Up to 112 pages | 100+ copies | £9.25 |
50+ copies | £9.50 | |
0-49 copies | £10.00 | |
Up to 120 pages | 100+ copies | £9.75 |
50+ copies | £10.10 | |
0-49 copies | £10.45 |
If you need more pages, please get in touch for a price. If you decide to use illustrations instead of photos for your recipes, you won't need photo quality print so print will be cheaper. Please refer to the price list on this page
Free P&P over 30 books ordered. No minimum orders. No Stock left over!
Only 10 days print turnaround.
Optional extras:
- Creator service: We can make your school recipe book for you (£1 per page/recipe).
- Parents can buy book directly on our secure website: We setup a page like this one. Just tell us the price you want to sell the books for. We will deliver all books as a group order to your school; and donate your fundraising amount back to you. No additional costs to the school. We'll just charge parents an extra 50p to cover transaction fees.