Rainbow Coloured Pinecones

lockdown 2020 rainbow pinecones

With the great weather, come some great walks, and for Jeanette D one particular walk proved very fruitful. Whilst her and her daughter were walking in the woods, they spotted lots of seemingly perfect pinecones. With a day ahead of craft activities, Jeanette couldn’t let these pinecones go to waste, so they set about sorting out the unbroken and rotund ones to take home.

At home Jeanettes daughter asked if she could paint them in Rainbow colours.

rainbow coloured pinecones

She then suggested they stick the cones on a piece of wood and mark the wood with the words Lockdown 2020.

pinecones on wood


I think we all agree that this is a beautiful memory of a lovely day and a fitting piece of memorabilia for years to come of this strange time we are in.

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