Is it that some people have way too much time on their hands, or that the world needs way more fun? Whatever the reason, this collection of the world’s craziest races shows just how far people will go to inject a little bit of fun into a race.
High Heeled Sprint
In Madrid they celebrate LBGT Pride with a race down Pelayo Street. Not only do the participants have to wear high heels of at least 4 inches (and they’re all measured before the race) they also have to dress up along the way. At the first station they receive a dress in a bag and then further down the line they have to put on lipstick, whilst running.
The race is constructed of three qualifying rounds and then finals, meaning contestants have to run more than once!. Of course people run to raise awareness, raise money for charities and for fun but there are also prizes.
Mud, Glorious Mud

I have been known to wallow in the therapeutic benefits of a mud bath on many occasion but I can’t say I fancy slithering my way through 400m of the stuff in a bid to beat 20,000 other people to a finish line. Luckily there are many people who do.
The Maldon Mud Race is a hotly contested feast of filth which sees contestants run, jump and slosh their way through a 1.3ft stretch of mud to become the winner. The annual springtime event sees the River Blackwater play host to people from all over Europe, raising tons of money for charity. Like the London Marathon, contestants dress up in all sorts of guises with this year’s including bees, ballerinas Roman soldiers and cows!
“Behind You”- The Pantomime Horse Race
As World’s craziest races go this has to be up the top somewhere. Every December pantomime horses escape the dazzle of the bright showbiz lights and gather to race for charity on the streets of Greenwich. The London Pantomime Horse Race is now in its ninth year, and has seen the number of entries reach up to 30 panto horses.
The race begins at Devonport House and stretches over quarter of a mile finishing at the Royal Hill, (with of course plenty of trough stops along the way). Â
With unexpected obstacles along the way, the race ends with the five best performing teams racing to the finish line on space hoppers. For those of you that take your horsing around seriously ( see what I did there) here’s an article on ‘How to prepare for a Pantomime Horse Race-
Neeeeigh way!
Glasgow Santa Dash

At the other end of the UK around the same Pantomime horses are charging through the streets of Greenwich, you will find the streets of Glasgow filled with dashing Santas. Don’t think a host of Cary Grant lookalikes dressed in red suite and white beards. Think thousands of adults, children and even dogs dressed up as Santa racing back and fore from George Square over a 5k route.
With over 8000 participants it brings Glasgow to life and raises loads of festive cash. Ho Ho Ho!
Krispy Kreme Marathon
I’ve saved the best till last 🙂 If, like me, you love a donut then this one is for you. In North Carolina, the annual Krispy Kreme Challenge is a 5 mile charity run where contestants race 2.5 miles from North Carolina State Memorial Bell Tower to the downtown Krispy Kreme Store. Once there they have to consume 12 honey glazed donuts as quick as possible, as it’s a race! With bellies full of donuts and faces full of glaze, they then have to race back the way they came , all 2.5 miles of it! Not sure my love of donuts would survive such a challenge?
If you’re running out of ideas to keep the kids entertained this Summer why not make up your own wacky races and see how much fun you can have.
Image by hamperium from Pixabay
image by St Gemmas Hospice
image by getsurrey